Sunday, January 6, 2013

Writer's New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! Time for those writer's resolutions. How did you do last year? I decided not to make any resolutions last year and I kept my resolution! This year I have 3 main goals:

1. Finish revising my novels
2. Write a sequel to my paranormal romance
3. Query agents

January: Revise my contemporary NA romance/adventure novel and send it to the editor who is interested and who suggested I add words and change the ending.

February: Query my YA fantasy novel to agents and keep revising my NA paranormal novel while having it critiqued by my writer's group.

March: Keep querying my YA fantasy and revising my NA Paranormal Romance.

April: Query agents with my YA fantasy novel and finish revising my paranormal romance.

May: Query paranormal romance and YA fantasy and outline sequel to paranormal romance

June: Query Paranormal Romance and write first draft of book 2 to paranormal romance

July: Query Paranormal romance and write second draft of book 2 to paranormal romance

August: Write 3rd draft of book two of paranormal romance

Sept: Start submitting chapters of paranormal romance book 2 to group for critiques

Oct: Revise critiqued chapters of paranormal romance book 2

Nov: Revise critiqued chapters of paranormal romance book 2

Dec: Revise chapters of paranormal romance book 2

These goals may change as I go especially if I get an agent or publish a book, but for now, this is the plan. I'll update and revise it and track my progress each month on my blog. What are your goals for this year? Good luck!


  1. Me? to take more time out of my day to do photography!

  2. That's a good resolution. I wish you luck!

  3. Good luck with querying, that's always an exciting time! My goal is to finish and revise my YA supernatural romance and self-publish before the summer. After that, I hope to finish the series by the end of the year.

  4. This is great, Alice! Wow you've been busy. It motivates me to set a more clear and tangible goal for my writing projects (outside of my business). Best of luck to you; keeping my fingers crossed!

  5. Thanks Jewel. I doubt I'll even accomplish half those goals but having them helps me accomplish more than I might other wise and keeps me on track. Are you still working on your novels?

  6. Can you change Editor's Article on your blogroll to the book gazer? (my new blog)

  7. Happy New Year to you too. First resolution for 2013 is to find the time to write and stop constant interuptions from my family!

  8. That's awesome! I hope you accomplish your goal!

  9. Awesome goals! Wishing you lots of success in them and your publications.
